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Testimonials and why they are important

Sometimes we can do without understanding Plasma Energy fully to still trust, accept and use it as a tool in our life. One way of doing that is to try and find out what Plasma Energy can do for us and satisfy our curiosity that way. There are no side effects to Plasma energy but there are many benefits.


Another one is to learn from others and start understanding that it works and how it works, little by little. Testimonials and documented feedback of real people with spontaneous  reactions are little pieces of that understanding.


We added some opinions of others here below. 

We at Plasma Health understand maybe better then most what it is like to come with a new science to introduce to humanity. It is difficult and we have learned that along the way.


When we as people don't understand something we tend to reject it. Good ideas and inventions will come out eventually but they are being delayed by this initial rejection system or cognitive dissonance.


Plasma Health wants to shorten that delay.

Testimonial by Sxx, USA


"Can highly recommend the seller - Maarten & Sybell are on my wavelength, and their products are high quality. Ordered for wanting the best possibly existing toothpaste & simple but superbly efficient salve. Saline spray does what it needs, and herb infusions just right. Customised coils selection - very happy with mix & match now! You can sense the energy still packaged, let alone applied. Order arrived secure with special shipping, all well-wrapped, and bonus for greetings note & mobile orgonite (which I can also recommend for crystal work)."

Testimonial by Maarten, the Netherlands


"I have osteochondrosis and once a year it hits me full on. It takes me normally 4-7 days to recover from it and be pain free again. Now I used pads and treatment with the pen and after 4 hours I was 90% pain free and the next day, after sleeping with the pad on my back, I woke up fully fit again. What a life saver!

Testimonial by Tom B, USA


"I have had a lower back- kidney area pain attack for the past 3 weeks. I have never had such pain and never there. Dr's visits showed nothing, I expected that kinda. I have been using the Plasma Health XXL pain pad for a week and the results are amazing. I feel so much better!

Testimonial by Amy, USA


"The Plasma Health Pen has really rocked my world! I can feel the energy field coming from it’s tip and it has been great for muscular pain and blood circulation. I’ve recently started using it in water for my plants and they have been thriving. Plasma Health were great to deal with and provided all the information needed on how to use the product."

Testimonial by Amy, USA


"This has really rocked my world! I can feel the energy field coming from it’s tip and it has been great for muscular pain and blood circulation. I’ve recently started using it in water for my plants and they have been thriving. Plasma Health were great to deal with and provided all the information needed on how to use the product".

Testimonial by JazzyCA69, United Kingdom


"Love my health pen. I have chronic pain in my knees. It doesn't eliminate the pain forever, but it does make it subside for a few hours. I haven't put in water, but that will be my project tomorrow. I have been telling all my friends so you should be getting some orders soon."

Testimonial by Lei, Taiwan


"Thank you! Very good Pain Pen, very good energy!!"

Testimonial by H. de Wit, the Netherlands


"Magic exists, I love it! wonderful plasma wand with beautiful healing energy. Highly recommended!!!"

Testimonial by C Cerval, Mexico


"Fantastico! The Plasma Health pen works great, is incredible, eliminates pain quickly and leaves a feeling of lasting well being. This product should be recommended to all people who have joint injuries, tendons and muscles. Thank you for your contribution! I have a herniated disc with vertebral displacement and I have noticed a decrease in the intensity of the 80% pain ..., it is absolutely incredible I am now ready to create Gans and apply them as directed by Dr. Keshe."

Testimonial by Dana, USA


"Between this plasma pen and the pain pad, the pain in my shoulder from tendinitis is almost gone!!! I love it!"

Review by M. Cerval from Brasil


"Fantastic! The Plasma Health Pen works great! It is incredible, eliminates pain quickly and leaves a feeling of lasting well-being. This product should be recommended to all people who have joint, tendon and muscular injuries. Thank you for your contribution! I have a herniated disc with vertebral displacement and I have noticed a decrease in the intensity of the pain of 80%. It is absolutely incredible. Now I am willing to create Gans and apply them according to the indications of Mr. Keshe. I expect immediate results and thanks again for your contribution. Thank you!!"

Because Plasma Technology is such a new phenomenon we highly appreciate feedback and testimonials from people using Plasma in any way or form. We will keep updating this page on a regular basis with and for your information. 

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