Improves your health and increases the quality of life
Plasma Health Cosmetics
All products and ingredients used in our cosmetics products are Organic & Vegan.
Everything we use is non GMO and we do not use any parabens, chemical additives & preservatives or fluoride.
- Toothpaste
- Salt Inhaler
- Charcoal Soap
- Green Soap
- Nasal Spray
- Plasma Calendula Salve

Plasma Toothpaste with activated charcoal

INGREDIENTS ( 1 Tube 50ml)
Co2 + Zinc PLASMA
Activated Charcoal
Bentonite Clay
Kelp powder
Maca powder
Calcium & Magnesium powder
Vegetable glycerine
Coconut oil
Dr.Bronner’s All-in-One Castile Soap
Grapefruit Seed Extract (Natural preservative)
Frankincense Essential Oil
Clove Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide %0.1
Pink Himayalan Salt

All you want in one toothpaste! Now we use Co2 - ZnO Plasma water and Peppermint essential oil and Clove essential oil.
This toothpaste effectively whitens your teeth and also cleans up all the plague and tartar. We recommend you to use it twice a week next to your own organic & fluoride free toothpaste.
It is possible, through a truly healthy diet and proper oral care, to whiten and re-mineralize your teeth, to re-build your enamel, and to heal your gums .
In this Activated Charcoal toothpaste we use only ORGANIC & VEGAN ingredients. It does not contain fluoride or any GMO products.
New formula with Boron! Cavity healing, remineralising and whitening. Organic & Vegan with Co2 and ZnO Liquid Plasma
Price € 8,50
Price € 16,-
Plasma Aromatherapy Pink Himalayan Salt Inhaler

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.) – Eucalyptus is very useful for colds and chest congestion. It is expectorant, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory. It is useful for bronchitis, sniffles, sinus congestion, and hoarse scratchy throat. *See below for specific contraindications for the use of Eucalyptus in children.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) – Rosemary helps clear the mind and restores clear thinking. It is antiseptic, clearing, anti-catarrhal, opens bronchial passages, relieves cold symptoms. It reduces sniffles and relieves sinus congestion. It also aids digestion and supports the liver in detoxification.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) – Lavender is antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, calming, antispasmodic. It reduces headaches, and is especially useful for tension headaches and sinus headaches. It reduces nasal congestion.
Peppermint - Peppermint benefits to the respiratory system, including for coughs, colds, asthma, allergies and tuberculosis.
Inhaling the peppermint aroma may offer memory enhancement and stress relief.
Frankincense - Frankincense is considered as the best ancient miracle oil. It can help break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract and lungs, and can potentially relieve bronchitis-related congestion.
When you inhale with long slow deep breaths this will bring the salt ions to the lungs. Because the ions are so small they bypass the nasal filtering system we have and go directly into the lungs.
The lungs then absorb the ions and bring them into the bloodstream. This will help to reduce inflammation and can also reduce pain in lungs from various conditions such as asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia.​
Modern salt inhalers combine the best of old world and modern technology. The small Himalayan salt rocks rest at the bottom of the inhaler. When you inhale, the natural moisture in the air absorbs the salt particles into the lungs. This will help to reduce inflammation in the lungs and can help with other conditions such as asthma, allergies, colds, congestion, hay fever and sinus congestion. Unlike traditional inhalers, this therapeutic technique offers NO negative side effects.
Most people don’t realise that unlike table salt, Himalayan salt contains the same 84 natural elements and minerals that are found in the human body, minerals which contribute to your overall health and vitality. Its minerals are in an ionic state, which means that they are tiny enough for our cells to absorb easily.
We brought together the Keshe technology with the ancient salt therapy (Halotherapy) and aromatherapy with the healing essential oils.
The reason why we combined Keshe technology with Halotherapy and aromatherapy is that both emotional body and physical body will benefit from all Keshe technology and ancient healing techniques. In Plasma Technology we know that Zinc and CO2 together both affect the physical and emotional body.
Although it’s relatively new to Western Europe and the United States, salt rooms have been used for therapeutic purposes in Eastern Europe for more than 200 years. Years ago it was common practice for people with lung conditions to visit salt mines for their healing benefits. Ancient Greeks also used Halotherapy (salt therapy) for respiratory problems.
Salt therapy is becoming more widely known and appreciated with the introduction of salt rooms in spas and other wellness businesses. Salt is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. While many people visit salt mines around the world to help rid themselves of respiratory ailments of all kinds including allergies, asthma, congestion and hay fever, others flock to upcoming salt rooms.
Salt is a natural expectorant and may help in reducing excess mucous.
Reducing mucous, may eliminate night time coughing and post nasal drip, allowing you to sleep better.
Himalayan salt contains 84 natural elements and minerals that are found in the human body.
Salt inhalation therapy can reduce redness and swelling of nasal passages.
Himalayan salt inhalers can reduce irritation and inflammation from pollutants and smoke.
Salt is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. Using a salt inhaler can be used to cleanse the body of harmful organisms.
Price € 8,-

Organic & Vegan Charcoal Plasma Soap

For Acne
Activated charcoal soap is known to be highly beneficial in the treatment of acne. It not only aids the removal of toxins, but also removes skin impurities thus helping in the treatment of acne. It even clears facial marks resulting from acne.
Reduces Pore Size
If you tend to spend a lot of time outdoors in the smoke, dust and pollution, you might notice dirt settling over your pores making them more noticeable and enlarged in appearance. After a certain period, these pores can be seen clearly on the face. Charcoal soap is the best solution for this. It not only extracts the dirt and grime, but also treats clogged pores and reduces their size.
Makes Skin Tighter And Firmer
Loose skin indicates the initiation of old age. It is important to take essential steps at the earliest. Charcoal has the quality to make the skin firmer and tighter at a rapid pace.
Prevents Premature Aging
Charcoal soap is an effective way to stop premature aging. It helps to do away with the wrinkles and fine lines, thus preventing you from looking old and having a dull, tired face.
Clears Skin Blemishes
Regular use of charcoal soap can provide amazing results for a blemish-free skin. Again, it does this effectively by removing impurities and toxins from the skin. It also exfoliates the skin.
Treats Psoriasis
Being an excellent exfoliant, with the ability to remove dead skin cells along with the extraction of dirt and grime, charcoal soap also treats psoriasis and eczema. It is effective for the treatment of dry, cracked skin. It some cases, it also prevents the disease from recurring.
Treats Dandruff
Charcoal soap has the unique property of functioning as a soap and shampoo. When used as a shampoo, it helps treat skin conditions like dandruff and dry scalp. It produces a rich lather to provide a pampered and luxurious feel to the skin.
Price per 2 bars € 22,-
Charcoal has been into medicinal use for over thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used it as a poultice to clean wounds. The Hindus used it for filtration of water. Also, in the 18th century, pharmacists and chemists studied charcoal to discover its abilities to provide protection from toxins. Presently, activated charcoal (one of the processed forms) is used in water filters as well as an antidote for poison.
Recently, charcoal has gained popularity for the skin benefits it provides. It might sound bizarre, but processed charcoal is included as an important ingredient in natural soaps and cleansers throughout the world.
Infuse this charcoal soap with Plasma and you have an amazing soap.

Co2 - Zn Plasma H2O, Activated charcoal powder,
Argan Avocado, Black seed, Sweet almond oil,
Coconut oil, Grape seed oil,
Shea Butter Vitamin E,
Flax seed, Rose oil, Coconut milk, Hexane free
& cold pressed organic castor oil, Dandelion Oil,
Calendula Oil, Olive Oil
We have been making organic & vegan cold process soaps and now we are happy to add Keshe technology into our cold process soaps. After watching Mehran Keshe's 116th teaching about using gans in soaps we decided to make 100% organic, vegan plasma soaps with essential oils.
In the workshop the team in Africa made cold process soap and they took the samples to the laboratory and it showed that the gansed soap killed all the Salmonela and Ecoli in 15min. This means that the gansed soap will kill the bacteria. We feel that is a good reason to want to use a good quality cleaning soap.

Organic & Vegan Spirulina Plasma Soap

Organic & vegan soap with plasma.
We have been making organic & vegan cold process soaps and now we are happy to add Keshe technology into our cold process soaps.
After watching Mehran Keshe's 116th teaching about using gans in soaps we decided to make %100 organic, vegan plasma soaps with essential oils.
In the workshop the team in Africa made cold process soap and they took the samples to the laboratory and it showed that the gansed soap killed all the Salmonela and Ecoli in 15min. This means that the gansed soap will kill bacteria.In our soaps we added CO2 gans into these batches and the saponification process is complete.
Price per 2 bars € 25,-
Argan oil
Black seed oil
Sweet almond oil
Flax seed oil
Pure vitamin E
Protein powder,
Organic cacao butter
Hexane free- organic pure cold-pressed The Palma Christi castor oil,
Infused calendula oil (homemade)
Infused rose oil (homemade)
Infused lavender oil (homemade)
Infused rose oil (homemade)
Infused mix herbs oil (homemade)
Calendula & Dandelion tea (instead of distilled water)
Coconut milk
Coconut oil
Rice bran oil
Olive oil
Shea butter
(All the oils and milk are organic)
Lavender essential oil
Plasma ( CO2 Gans)
The green soap bars have organic spirulina powder as colouring.

Plasma Saline Nasal Spray

Plasma Aromatherapy Saline Nasal Spray is a simple natural remedy that helps to flush out mucus and bacteria. Adding moisture to the nasal passages also helps to combat stuffiness, congestion, further infection and it is also used to remove debris or pollens from the nose. It was made with %100 organic ingredients. It does not include any GMO or addictive substances and the salts are non-iodised.
Plasma Saline Nasal Spray available size 20ml
Price € 10,-
Content is 20ml
Plasma Water
Magnesium Salt (prevents allergic sinusitis & hydrates nasal mucoses)
Pink Himalayan Salt
Grape Seed Extract (organic preservative)
Eucalyptus oil
(It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to calm inflamed nostrils and open the airways).
Peppermint essential oil (Inhibits the release of histamine and helps open respiratory passages.)
Lavender essential oil (It has anti-inflammatory and sedative characteristics that help manage asthma)
Frankincense essential oil
Distilled water
Plasma Aromatherapy Saline Nasal Spray is also used for treating dry or irritated nasal passages caused by colds, allergies, low humidity, or overuse of decongestant nose spray.
A saline spray can be used to wash or rinse pollens or other allergens from the nasal cavities.
Use saline spray to provide moisture to the nasal passages to prevent crust or dried mucus from building up. When this occurs a sinus infection can be the result as bacteria grow under mucous crusts.
Do NOT USE SALINE SPRAY IF you are allergic to any ingredient in saline spray. Discontinue using saline spray if bleeding occurs as the salt could further irritate the mucus membranes. The saline softens mucus making it easier to remove. When mucus is no longer stubborn the user may blow her nose less frequently resulting in less irritation to the outer nose tissues.
Plasma Calendula Salve - 30 ml

Anti-bacterial Plasma Salve is great for healing wounds, pimples, acne or skin rash. CO2 plasma gans has amazing antibacterial properties. All ingredients in our products are organic and vegan.
CO2 Plasma
Candelilla wax
Neem Oil
Shea butter
Argan oil
Black seed oil ( nigella sativa)
Sweet Almond oil
Calendula oil
Pure vitamin E
Coconut oil
Jojoba oil
Dandelion oil
Aloe Vera oil
Shea butter
Cacao butter
Rose Hip Kernel Oil
Tea Tree Oil
Use the salve 2-3 times a day on the affected area and keep your salve refrigerated after opening.
Mehran Keshe talks about the antibacterial properties of using gans in soap or all other health applications.
It was shown that the team in Africa made cold process soap and they took the samples to the laboratory for testing and measuring.
It showed that the gansed soap killed all the Salmonela and Ecoli in 15min. This means that the gans will kill the bacteria.
We have been making organic and vegan plasma soaps and now we are using gans in many of our cosmetics.
Price € 18,50
DISCLAIMER: Please note that these treatments are only meant as guidelines and in no way replace the advice or treatment provided by your medical practitioner. It is always good to seek the advice of your physician, homeopath, naturopath, or herbalist for professional advice in any matter related to your health.