Improves your health and increases the quality of life
The Possibilities of Plasma
it takes away pain
it relieves back problems
it speeds up healing of wounds
it reduces and avoids scar tissue
it aids in healing joint injuries
it aids in healing muscle injuries
it relieves stress
it provides fast recovery from intens training
it treats growing pains in children
it helps to heal open wounds faster
it helps with skin issues
it keeps hand and feet warm in the cold
it helps to sleep better
it increases flexibility in joints
it helps with insect bites
it decontaminates water
it increases general level of energy
it calms emotions
it makes it easy to have deep meditations
it is a powerful disinfectant
it kills viruses
it kills bacteria
it treats osteoporosis
it treats arthritis
it heals flu
it helps in relieving grow pains in children
it keeps fruit and vegetables fresh
it helps plants to grow
it treats bacterial diseases
it can be used together with medicines
it has no side effects
you can keep vegetables outside of the fridge
it takes away brainfog
it works with cats,dogs and horses
it strengthens hair folical roots
it expands consciousness
and much, much more..
The application of Plasma Science in the form of specially developed Plasma reactors, health units and other devices, will give humanity the real freedom to create energy, re-balance the body's health, and travel deep into space.
Plasma exists throughout the entire universe. It is here and it belongs to us, it is us, we are it. Our knowledge, research and development regarding the Plasma structure has progressed to the point of enabling everyone to participate and benifit in the progress.

Plasma Health has been active with the health aspects of Plasma. There are many subjects Plasma can be used for.
One of the subjects Plasma Health is interested in is agriculture. We do not grow our own crops but many people have already shown their results in growing crops with and without the use of plasma. The results are very encouraging and we are looking for partners to expand this further.