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Plasma & Spirals and Triskelions




The Art of Spiral Energetics is an ancient shamanic system of spiritual development through the continuous cultivation of awareness, energy and alignment with the heart. It integrates perception-altering meditative practices with sets of movements that enliven the body’s energy system and awaken consciousness.​


The science of quantum physics affirms the existence of an omnipresent shape of optimal motion in the known universe. It is commonly known as the Fibonacci sequence or spiral.


All natural energy patterns flow in these spirals, forming toroidal shapes like that of the human and planetary energy fields. Energy, liquids, gasses, plasma and the growth patterns of organic and inorganic forms, all follow this pattern precisely because it allows energy to be applied most efficiently. Spiral Energetics movements yield optimal results by following these same pathways.


One of the oldest geometric shapes found throughout the ancient world are spirals. Petroglyphs of spirals date back to around the Neolithic period. Yet, ancient cultures throughout the world carved the same symbol with little or no communication with each other.


The spiral is fundamental to nature, appearing on animals such as the snail, seashells, and occurs in natural phenomena such as whirlpools, hurricanes, tornadoes and spinning galaxies.


The spiral has become a powerful symbol for creation and growth, used by many ancient cultures and religious traditions. Some say the meaning of the Taino/pre-Taino spiral symbol represents cosmic energy and sweet water.


According to Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology said that the spiral is an archetypal symbol that represents cosmic force.


The Spiral is a sacred symbol that represents the journey and change of life as it unfolds; taking a labyrinth-like passage that leads to Source.



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The triskelion or Heddeka (also known as the triple-spiral or “Spiral of Life”) is an ancient symbol with a powerful connection to plasma. Triskelions represent balance. When made of certain metals, they set up a bioelectric and biomagnetic energy flow based on mathematics and sacred geometry. They act as receivers and transmitters, with the ability to neutralize harmful energy, balancing Yin and Yang, (positive and negative; masculine and feminine) in almost any setting.​


Why Three Branches? The number ‘3’ seems to always have held a special appeal for those who contemplate a Higher Power and the Meaning of Life. This is evident from the consistent recurrence of that number not just in the holy books of the world’s major religions, but also in myths, legends and even fairy tales from around the planet.


The branches of a triskelion are most commonly depicted as they appear on the most ancient remaining relics as three whorls or spirals emerging from a shared point of origin. This symbology has immense appeal for a variety of reasons.


In Christian tradition, the Holy Trinity of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; the three unsuccessful attempts by the Devil to tempt Christ in the desert; and the three days after which Jesus was resurrected all hint at a godly aspect, and paint a positive aura around the number.


In the Hindu pantheon, there are three aspects of God: Creator, Preserver and Destroyer.


Norse mythology speaks of the three states of matter before Creation, the three goddesses of Destiny, and the three deities – Odin, Vili and Ve – who created mankind.


The three planes of existence as Heaven, Hell and Earth transcend religion and culture.


Neopaganism and Wicca speak of The Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother and Crone) and The Rule of Threes (your deeds are revisited upon you threefold).


More widely, the number three comes to us in the concept of body, mind and spirit; and the sense of time as Past, Present and Future.


As a result of this virtually endless ways of association between aspects of our lives and beliefs with the number ‘3’, the triskelion has held a unique appeal for people from around the world.



Plasma Health Triskelions & Spirals 

Nano-coated (NC) or Non Nano-coated (NNC) 


Because so many people are making GaNS and Plasma tools themselves we offer the possibility to order spirals and triskelions made by Plasma Health. Nano-coated or non nano-coated.


Depending on how you use the spirals or triskelions they will either push energy out or draw energy in.



  • Copper wire 13 Gauge or 2,5 mm square. 

  • Nano-coating is done with cold caustic method

  • Nano-coated materials can be dipped in GaNS

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