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What is GaNS

How is it connected to Plasma.

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To be able to explain Plasma we need to be able to explain GaNS. So what is it? 

GaNS is Gas in a Nano State. It is the fourth state of matter together with solid, liquid and gas. 


Certain atoms and molecules release and/or absorb Magnetic and/or Gravitation fields. Released fields are available to be absorbed by other objects. A way has been developed in which to gather these free flowing fields from the environment within a usable substance which is called GaNS (Gas in A Nano State). So in essence is GaNS a container for Plasma energy.


An organism for example will emit fields it wants to separate itself from (rid itself of) and will absorb fields that it can use or that it has an urgent need for. The prerequisite is that the appropriate fields for absorption must be available within the immediate environment of the organism. GaNS is a substance that exists in a special state of aggregation (the formation of a number of things into a cluster).


Different types of GaNS can be created with different desirable energetic properties that can be used individually or in combination for different applications. Each type of GaNS has specific field strength depending on the chemical elements within the GaNS.


With this technology, the self-healing powers of the organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up the organism itself. Therefore, the need for chemical agents and processes are not required because healing occurs at the level of Magnetic field interaction.


Examples of three different kinds of GaNS being made in containers; iron, carbon dioxide and copper   

The Nano state of a 'CAPTURED' and CONCENTRATED GAS is already in the magnetic-gravitational plasmatic state, which radiates out its own spinning magnetic plasma energy fields just like the sun, whilst drawing in gravitational plasmatic fields. A container of GANS essentially contains millions of suns within it. This spinning energy flow is directed by intentionally placed Magnetic and Gravitational nanocoated coils mounted in a MAGRAV unit. It is the interaction of the MAGRAV fields between nano plates and other matter that creates the condition that allows GANS to manifest.


We now know that GANS is another state of matter at its atomic level. It is the closest thing to source energy in this experience at this moment and it vibrates at a perfectly balanced frequency. GANS can be used to attract and repel or can be used to bring another similar field into balance. It holds a perfectly tuned note, or notes, that enable the body systems to re-tune, or come into focus.


Certain atoms and molecules release and/or absorb Magnetic and/or Gravitation fields. Released fields are available to be absorbed by other objects. The Keshe Foundation has developed a way in which to gather these free flowing fields from the environment within a usable substance which Keshe named GaNS.


A tool was developed by the Keshe Foundation which consists of components that can absorb fields and create GANS; a substance that exists in a special state of aggregation. Different types of GANS can be created with different desirable energetic properties that can be used individually or in combination for different applications. Each type of GANS has specific field strength depending on the chemical elements within the GaNS.


The use of different GANS' with different field strengths or the use of nano-coated double coils with plasma batteries causes a directed field flow from the stronger to the weaker fields.

If these field fluxes are directed through an organism, the organism has the opportunity to absorb the needed parts of these field fluxes or to release a surplus of fields to the environment or they can be collected into a usable GaNS.


With this technology, the self-healing powers of the organism are supported at the level of the fields that build up the organism itself. Therefore, the need for chemical agents and processes are not required because healing occurs at the level of Magnetic field interaction.


The photos above show a bottle with GaNS in it. A very light and fluffy substance; Gas in a Nano State.



These photos below are taken with a electron microscope by the Chinese Keshe Foundation. These little round discs are actually 3D, not flat and they have a torus shape.


Different kinds of GaNS 

There are 4 main GaNS types that are used the most: 


  • Co2 Gans   (Carbon Dioxide Gans - Greyish/White)

  • ZnO gans   (Zinc Gans - White)

  • CuO Gans  (Copper Gans - Green/Turqoise)

  • CH3 Gans  (Iron Gans - Orange)


GaNS can be made from everything. From calcium to herbs to gold. Every GaNS carries its own magnetic and gravitational field strength.

ZnO (Zinc) GANS Uses/Applications


Zinc is a key component in more than 80 human metabolic cycles and plays an important role in the healing of wounds. The Magnetic/Gravitational fields of ZnO GANS and/or ZnO liquid plasma interact with the fields of human emotions and therefore can be used to strengthen and balance human emotional needs. Liquid plasma of ZnO GANS is termed “peace plasma.”


ZnO Health Applications: ZnO GANS water (ZnO liquid plasma) can be applied everywhere the liquid plasma of CO2 GANS is used because emotional imbalance, conflicts and stress are the most frequent causes of human illnesses and diseases. ZnO plasma aids almost all healing processes.

CuO GANS Uses/Application


Copper represents the physical body (in connection with the field interactions); it affects the muscle tissue and the nervous system. Copper is responsible for good communication through the nerves and copper acts as a disinfectant. The Ghana Keshe Foundation, in cooperation with the National Atomic Research Institute, carried out tests where microbial contaminated drinking water was cleaned with CO2 and CuO GANS water. The contaminated water was cleaned of contaminants and transformed into drinkable water.


Bacteria, salts and even arsenic and mercury are neutralized through CuO GANS water application to the point where these harmful elements were no longer detectable in the test samples of contaminated water. CuO GANS water can be used in many areas as a natural disinfected. (e.g. rooms where food is produced, hospitals, kitchens, toilets, bathrooms and so on). CuO is also used for energy production.

CH3 GANS Uses/Application


CH3 GANS water will strongly energize the body and is nutritious. For instance, 8 drops of CH3 GANS water combined with 1 drop of ZnO GANS water and 1 drop of CO2 GANS water will yield the following results. The plasmatic field of CH3 GANS water gives energy to the body while the plasmatic fields of the ZnO GANS water support the nervous system. The plasmatic fields of the CO2 GANS water acts on muscles and the nervous system. The carbon within CH3 and CO2 GANS waters release energy while the hydrogen of the CH3 GANS water and the oxygen of CO2 GANS water combine to provide moisture, which is needed in the body. The energy of the hydrogen of the CH3 GANS water becomes food for the body. The ZnO GANS water supports nerve connections that are needed assimilate energy into the body. 


CO2 GANS: Uses/Applications


CO2 GANS water can be used pure or diluted depending on the treatment requirement. It will activates cells, revitalizes the body and strengthens the immune system. CO2 GANS water is very beneficial to all kinds of muscle injuries. When used as a spray it immediately relieves pain. However, in the case of a broken bone(s), do not apply CO2 GANS water directly to fracture(s). Pain at the point of a bone fracture triggers the body to bring needed calcium to the area of the fracture that is required for the healing process. 


Oral Application: CO2 GANS water can be taken orally (Eg. drops or 5ml to 25ml in half a liter of water - 1 to 2 times daily (according to the recommendations).


Foot Bath Application: Add CO2 GANS water to lukewarm water in a foot bath. When repeatedly applied this eliminates athlete's foot and pulls heavy metals out of the body.


Full Bath Application: You can use CO2 GANS water AND the GANS waters of ZnO (zinc oxide), CH3 (iron oxide) and/or CuO (copper oxide). For example, with radiation contamination, Keshe recommends taking a bath with 2 to 3 litres of CO2 GANS water in the bath mixed with warm water, and staying in this water for half an hour 2 to 3 times a day.


Scalp and Hair Application: You can regularly rub CO2 GANS water on the scalp and in the hair. It soothes the scalp, strengthens hair folical roots and has been shown to bring the original hair color back.


CO2+ ZnO GANS Liquid Plasma Mixture Spray Application: On the face- revitalizes the skin, refreshes and rejuvenates the skin.


Aftershave Lotion Application: Alleviates cuts immediately and relaxes the skin.


Eczema Application: Spray the affected skin areas with CO2 GANS water - to date, very rapid improvement has been reported.


Bee sting Application: Sprinkle the area of the sting with CO2 GANS water several times.

NOTE: CO2 GANS, CO2 GANS water and liquid plasma of CO2 are used in health applications and for energy production.

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