Improves your health and increases the quality of life
Plasma Health
Design & Application
On this page you will find a summary of the following specific products we make with specific health properties:
Plasma Health Pen
Plasma Health Pad
Mega Plasma Health Pen
We design and make all our items with the knowledge of Plasma Technology and we share this knowledge freely.
All our cosmetics are organic and vegan and they contain different kinds of Plasma water.
By clicking the 'PURCHASE' button you will be directed to our webshop on Etsy where you can purchase the item you choose and see other products as well.
We ship world wide. Different kinds of payment methods are available and custom orders are possible. Just leave us a note or contact us through this website. And.. we are well known for our customer service!
It is advised not to use the Plasma Health Pens directly on the brain area and not to use it on thebelly area of pregnant women.
It is not possible to have an overdose of plasma and the Health Pens can be used together with medicine.

Contact us for questions
Go to our Etsy Webshop
About the healing properties of our products
The spectrum of plasma frequencies encountered will act on the physical, emotional, mental and higher bodies of the patient and help to balance and correct any deviations to recreate a fully charged and healthful state, restoring perfect charge distribution and compression in the cells, DNZ+A, organs and organism.
People have experienced very strong re-balancing after just a few 30 minutes sessions, including helping the body fully process the conditions of cancer. Pathogens, microbes, cancers simply can't co-exist in a body which has had its natural harmonics and bio-energy charge densities restored to optimum levels.
Since dis-ease originates from disquiet in the emotional or mental, or higher, bodies then we see that even the causes are are usually resolved.

Plasma Health Pen

The Plasma Health Pen is our most popular and successful product we have made so far. It has found a home (more like a first-aid kit) in over 100 countries and helped and assisted many people.
The Plasma Health Pen is a non intrusive, pain relieving device for muscle, joint, tissue, skin and other pains in the body, using Plasma Technology together with nano-coated materials. Works in just a few minutes. And the pen will work for ever!
Apply the Pen to common pains like muscle pain, joint pain, toothache, backache, injuries and wound pain, burns, bites, stings, cramps, flu and pneumonia symptoms, nerve pain and many more. The Pen can be used without risk while using medicine. Use the Pen to charge water with a plasma field or place it in a fruitbowl or the fridge to keep vegetables and fruit fresh. It can be used on pets and other animals.
Place the Health Pen above the painful area with the round tip pointing down. Move it slowly to experience the reaction of the pain spot to the Health Pen. Use your own discernment with the distance the Health Pen is held away from the skin and usage times. Be aware of relief and peaceful feelings, tingles, electrical pulses and other indicators that let you know whether there has been enough application time. For external use only. For multiple person use. The Health Pen can be used directly on the skin or while wearing clothes.
Plasma Health Pad

The Plasma Health Pad can be used in two ways:
Use the pad on the body where the injury/pain is located. Use the Pad between 10 minutes and 3 hours, 2 -3 times per day, depending on the intensity of the complaints and the location on the body.
It is possible to put the Pad in your pillow or place it on the body during sleeping hours. It is adviced to use the Plasma Health Pad together with the Plasma Health Pen by putting the Health Pad over the injury and point with the Pen at the location of the injury.
We feel it is important that everybody should have access to the applications which help to reduce pain and heal injuries. That is why we offer these Plasma Health Pads for the lowest price possible. Once you use the pad the life expectancy is 2 months and more.
For Human and Veterinary Medical use. Reduce pain, improve circulation, increase cell/tissue processing.
The Plasma Health Pad takes away pain by restoring balance that was lost and therefor it activates recovery of the cells and healing. It increases the bloodflow to the injured area and takes away the emotional, physical and mental reasons for the injury, pain or ailment.
pain relief
emotional clearing
fractures and bones
muscular injuries
Plasma Health Mega Pen + Normal Pen

Price € 135,-
The Mega Health Pen is similar to our 'normal' Health Pen only.. it's bigger. In the photos you can see the difference in size.
The FUNCTION, PURPOSE and USE of the Mega Pen are the same as with the normal sized pen. Some just think size matters. As long as we can not measure the Plasma field strength we do know that more nano coated copper creates a larger Plasma field.
For Human and Veterinary Medical use. Reduce pain, improve circulation, increase cell/tissue processing.
The Plasma Health Pad takes away pain by restoring balance that was lost and therefor it activates recovery of the cells and healing. It increases the bloodflow to the injured area and takes away the emotional, physical and mental reasons for the injury, pain or ailment.

We have added a nano coated 3D Triskelion at the top to direct the energy flow from the start of the coils to the tips.

Both the normal size Health Pen and the Mega Health Pen are made with a copper inner pin, a copper inner coil (magnetic) and a copper outer coil (gravitational).