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About us..

A producer of Plasma Technology applications

A designer of energy based concepts

An offer of health and healthy living

Possibilityof expansion of consciousness



Based in the Netherlands, Plasma Health is dedicated to improving the quality of life with the help of Keshe Plasma Technology. Everything we have been doing, working on and striving for the last couple of years has come together in this beautiful technology. The applications we make for improving health in people and animals are have amazing results and we are expanding as we go along.


The magic and fun of this new technology starts when nano-coated coils are 'activated' with plasma. Matter state and non matter state start to fluctuate and by directing our intentions in this process we become the masters of the experience. Working with magnetical and gravitational fields (MAGRAV) can be done on a see and imitate principle and it can be done including understanding of the emotional, mental and soul level integration of the Human.


Plasma Health started out as seeing, learning and imitating this beautiful technology and expanding our consciousness more and more into integration of the emotional, mental and soul aspects of us as humans and the co-creation with plasma we are doing with all energies around us. Thank you Mehran Keshe for your gift, teaching and guidance in this amazing experience. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

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A designer and developer of energy based concepts.
A producer of Plasma Technology applications.


I have the Dutch nationality and I was born in the sixties. I grew up in Nigeria and the south of Holland and lived for 28 years in Amsterdam where both my children were born.


My other passion besides Plasma Technology is being a travel photographer. Traveling the planet and working with light. My interests are our collective and individual expansion of consciousness, finding out about our hidden history and our connection to our Galactic Family. In my free time I am a hockey coach and trainer for young adults. This gives me the possibility to work with young people through sports and a chance to share knowledge with them.


I used to be married to Sybell Adora. This is significant because Sybell and I started Plasma Health together in 2015 and here input and creativity helped to make Plasma Health into what it is today.


I have been interested and  busy in Mr. Keshe’s work since 2011 and after the International Ambassador’s meeting in October 2015 I started to follow all Mr. Keshe’s workshops and decided just a bit later to keep working with plasma and help people heal. This was a huge step, a revolution which would change the world forever and I wanted to take part in this healing process by putting in my knowledge about sacred geometry, pyramids, cropcircles, spirituality, crystals, herbs, essential oils and many other collected treasures. I felt that everything I had learned was coming together and we started making Keshe’s health pens and pads with so much excitement, enthusiasm and love.


Getting very positive feedbacks from people who use  Plasma Health Pens and Plasma Pads makes me extremely grateful and I love what I am doing. I am  grateful for Mr.Keshe for the way he opened the doors to humanity’s freedom on this planet. Space travel being the last step in the Plasma Technology.


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